Osteopathy is a form of physical therapy which is aimed at restoring natural balance in the body. It involves some techniques such as massaging soft and connective tissues or manipulating the muscles, tendons and joints. However, this form of treatment is not aggressive but gentle. It is considered as a holistic way to obtaining good health since it does not cause any discomfort to the patient.
Physicians that treat using this approach are called osteopaths. During your initial consultation, you will be asked some questions concerning your medical background. You will be asked whether you have been involved in any kind of accident or trauma. Your osteopath will need to know about your lifestyle and your overall well being. You need to give the specific nature of your complain. To get more info, visit osteopath near me. In case you have undergone some x-ray test in the past, you will need to bring the relevant material for examination. You will be tested on your blood pressure, coordination and reflexes.
After giving your medical history, you will undergo a thorough physical examination. Your osteopath will examine your joints, ligaments, muscles and bones. You will be examined on how flexible your arms, legs and back are. They will also explore your spine and look at your posture as well as balance. During your initial consultation, you will need to remove your top clothing so that the osteopath will have an easy time exploring that affected areas.
Your osteopath will then come up with a personalized treatment following examination. You will be given the details of how the process will be conducted and the results that you likely to expect during the treatment process and the duration of time that the treatment is likely to take. To learn more about Osteopathy Treatment, click http://www.drstarsiak.com/services.html . There are times that you may need just a few osteopathic sessions with occasional check-ups or you may have a serious problem that may demand regular course of treatment.
During and after the treatment, you will be advised on the adjustment that you need to make on your lifestyle and the habits that you need to develop to heal you condition and also prevent it from returning to its initial state. You may be assigned some specials training exercises or resting the affected parts.
Osteopathic manipulation is not a painful method of treatment though one may tend to feel some discomfort immediately after manipulation of the injured part. Many people prefer this kind of treatment since the treatment will be customized and it does not involve any painful stresses and exertions. Learn more from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteopathy.